What we do
Local Authority - Parish councils are the first tier of local government in England. They deliver a range of services at a community level and their role is to represent the local community, provide services to meet local needs and improve quality of life and community wellbeing. As the authority closest to the people, we are invariably the first port of call people go to with their concerns or ideas. For more information on what parish councils can do, see the document at the bottom of this webpage.
Collaborate and Communicate with other Local Authorities
With the size of our parish, working with Newark and Sherwood District Council and Nottinghamshire County Council is essential to ensure the needs of the residents of Balderton are met. Their council representatives are invited to monthly full council meetings to exchange updates at member level and our clerk liaises with their officers to deliver agreed projects and deal with issues in the parish.
The parish council manages the allotments at the end of Glebe Park in Balderton. For more details see the Allotments tab.
Balderton Lake
The parish council owns and maintains Balderton Lake. We are currently taking advice on how we can best manage the lake to protect it for wildlife whilst meeting the needs of Grove Angling Club who have a licence to fish in the lake.
Balderton Village Centre (Coronation Street)
The parish council owns and manages Balderton Village Centre which is available for hire for parties, businesses and group activities including regular hire. For more details see the Village Hall tab.
The parish council owns and manages the cemetery on Mount Road. For more details see the Cemetery tab.
In 2024 we introduced a parish council newsletter for delivery to all homes and businesses in Balderton twice a year. This will be produced for delivery in approximately March and September. Local groups and businesses are encouraged to contribute to make this as useful and informative as possible. In 2023, we introduced a Balderton Parish Council Facebook page. We use this to update those residents that use Facebook on our activities and share updates from third parties that may be of use. We have noticeboards at Balderton Village Centre, Balderton Library and on the Lakeside near Orchid Close.
Newark and District Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and other public bodies consult with the parish council on many things. The main ones being planning applications and strategies. We also consult with Balderton residents from time to time.
The parish council pays for the supplies needed to maintain these. Maintenance checks on the defibrillators in the village are performed by Newark Community First Aid. For details of where these are please see the defibrillators tab.
Dog Waste Bins
The parish council owns all the dog waste bins in Balderton. Newark and Sherwood District Council are contracted to empty the bins on behalf of the parish council. All bins are emptied at least weekly. If you see an overflowing bin, please report it using this online form. We make regular checks on the bins to maintain them; if you spot an issue, please contact the parish council office and we will get it rectified. To contact us regarding dog bins, email office@baldertonparishcouncil.gov.uk or call 01636 703626.
Flooding Assistance
The Parish Council has a number of sandbags/Aquasacs available to provide initial, temporary, assistance for householders in the event of forecast flooding. Should flooding be forecast, we will extend our office opening hours. Residents are asked to look out for notifications on our website (news tab) and Facebook page.
There are many different local councils, service providers and organisations in Balderton. Sometimes it is unclear who does what. The Useful Contacts tab of this website has lots of links to help residents find who they need to contact. Alternatively, email office@baldertonparishcouncil.gov.uk or call 01636 703626 and we will try to assist.
Land at Acacia Road
The parish council owns and maintains the small piece of land between the field and Acacia Road. The path is used to access the middle gate of the field.
Mallard Green
The parish council owns and maintains Mallard Green off Rowan Way.
The Full Council meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month (apart from August and December when we don’t meet). The Amenities Committee meets on the second Wednesday of every 2 months (see the meetings heading for details of meeting dates). These meetings are at Balderton Village Centre and are open to the public so everyone can see the work of the Parish Council. At the beginning of every meeting we hold a public forum where people can raise issues with the councillors. Agendas are published approximately a week before the meetings and are available on this website and the Council's Facebook page. Draft minutes are usually published a week after the meeting but are not formally agreed until the next meeting. All minutes and the latest agenda can be found on our noticeboards and on this website.
Play field, park and sports facilities (Coronation Street)
The parish council owns and maintains these facilities. To contact us regarding these facilities, email office@baldertonparishcouncil.gov.uk or call 01636 703626.
St Giles Churchyard
The churchyard is a closed churchyard – which means it is no longer used for burials. Parish council staff manage and maintain the churchyard.