Where to find them
There are a number of defibrillators in Balderton. These are located at:
- Cricket Club next to the Village Centre - Coronation Street
- Heron Way Car Park
- Highfields School car park - London Road
- Sainsbury’s supermarket - London Road
- Scout Hall - Queen Street
- The Grove Inn - London Road
- Well Pharmacy - Main Street
- William Ghent House - Wilfred Avenue.
Please note the defibrillator on the fence of Chuter Ede School is out of service. The network that look after these is aware so you will not be directed to this one of you call the emergency services.
These are available around the clock; each stored in a secure, coded box.
If you find an unconscious person who is not breathing call 999.
- the ambulance control will give you the code for the defibrillator box nearest you
- commence resuscitation with chest compression and send a person with the code to fetch the defibrillator
- once the defibrillator arrives switch on and follow the voice commands.
Newark Community First Aid check the defibrillators on behalf of Balderton Parish Council. If you find any issues with the defibrillators please email office@baldertonparishcouncil.gov.uk